Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Earth Day!

April 22, 2010 isn’t just the end of the work week here at Aromafloria—it’s Earth Day! Although we should be appreciating the Earth’s environment on a daily basis, Earth Day was created to inspire awareness and gratitude for Mother Earth and her surroundings! At Aromafloria, we stay green by providing YOU with natural products that are Preservative Free, Paraben Free, Eco-friendly packaged, made in the USA, animal testing free and so much more! We make all our products in a 100% Wind Powered Green e Certified Manufacturing Facility as well! In the words of Sharon Christie, President / CEO of Aromafloria, “Aromafloria’s heart and soul is to help our consumers obtain balance of body, mind and spirit, while preserving the Earth and her resources."

Here are five ways of how we Go Green:

1. Turn off the water faucet while brushing your teeth.
2. Power down your computer.
3. Cancel Junk Mail.
4. Ride your bike to work one day a week.
5. Buy in Bulk.

How do you contribute to Mother Earth?